Curioity rover Mars found on the rocks of a combination of alcohol
When scientists chose the rocks on the surface of Mars to test lasers for Curioity rover robe were expecting that they contain the same minerals contained in other rocks on the Red Planet, but they found it more like Earth rocks.
These rocks are similar to a large extent in terms of chemical composition types are found on islands in the Pacific, such as Hawaii, St. Helena and continental
shelf areas in the Rio Grande, which stretches from Colorado to Mexico.
described Ralph Gelert one Curioity rover cientists and a professor at the University Golf in Ontario, Canada, is surprised. He added in reference to the rock that is composed of molten materials she igneous rocks, but it seems a new kind of rock we find out on Mars.
The words of a stranger, an expert geologist Eduard Stolbr who works at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, told reporters that the way they formed such types of rocks, similar to the way they are preparing alcohol cider.
Vaban colonial times was apple juice is placed in large drums for solution partially freezes in winter. Said Stolbr water freezes to get more and more cider. And can be exposed volcanic magma inside any planet to the same circumstances.
The probe had landed on Mars two months ago to ascertain whether the Red Planet is more planets of the solar system like Earth has been witnessed by the emergence of the basic components of life.
Furthermore, SIP succeeded over the past month using lasers to analyze samples of different rocks to identify chemical composition and content of minerals.
The scientists found that these rocks lacking elemental magnesium and iron, which are very in igneous rocks former Spirit and Opportunity have they found in previous assignments on Mars.
Noteworthy that the probe continues its tests to examine Martian soil samples in the lab thereto in order to complete the chemical analysis of the rocks of the Red Planet.
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